The Ronald Grant Archive

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The Ronald Grant Archive holds one of largest and most varied private collections of high quality cinema related images and ephemera available today.

This unique and comprehensive collection of over one million photographs covers the history of the motion picture industry from before 1896 to the present day.

The dedicated team of experts at the Archive provide an unrivalled source of information about the industry as well as offering a friendly, efficient and professional service.

The main collection consists of:

We have many other items including set designs, 3D glasses, cinema staff uniforms, examples of cinema design, décor and furnishings.

British and foreign film fan, trade and technical film magazines from the 1890's to date are included in a large reference library on the premises which occupies three rooms, so our background research helps us give you a better service.

Illustrations on home movies and home movie making from the 1930's onwards. A large uncatalogued collection of film music, sound-tracks and cinema-organ music on original 78rpm records.

There is a subsidiary collection which includes photographs, programmes and posters on television, music-hall and variety, theatre, popular and classical music photos, music sheets and related material.


The Ronald Grant Archive

The Masters House, 2 Dugard Way, London SE11 4TH.

Tel: +44 (0) 20 7840 2200 Fax :+44 (0) 20 7840 2299

The Ronald Grant Archive provides financial support to The Cinema Museum.

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Site last updated: December 19th, 2005 10:24 AM